A blog about Lawrenceville GA

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Lawrenceville residents plan protest against cell phone towers

Lawrenceville resident B. Lance wrote to me about proposed T-Mobile cell phone towers going up in one Lawrenceville neighborhood.
I know there are five proposed sites going to a hearing for approval on March 23, 2010. There are already 18 registered towers and 34 not registered towers within 4 miles of my home. We can not let T-Mobile take over Gwinnett County. Gwinnett county is too beautiful to be covered with these horrible towers.

We are staging a protest on March 5th 2010 at 7:00AM at 21 Lester rd SW, Lawrenceville. This is my home and T-Mobile will be coming out to send up a weather balloon to show exactly where and how high the tower will be.

I know it is early in the morning but this is when T-Mobile schedules these types of tests so people will be sleeping or getting ready for work and not notice. We need to notice and stop these towers from being erected.

For more information, contact B. Lance at billie510@hotmail.com

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